Memories from my old hardware startup Trynkit



Trynkit was a really neat project to build. Unfortunately we had to shut it down due to supply chain issues from COVID, but building it was quite the journey I’ll never forget. Here are some images from that journey. Enjoy!

Trynkit was a hardware device designed to wirelessly load code (including arduino code) that had been written and compiled from our webapp onto the chip

generations of Trynkit models

it was really neat to see the chip grow throughout the generations

trynkit generations

with the code editor

with editor

code editor closer


prototyping things


fancy colored breadboards

fancy bb

our booth at TEDx Arizona State University

gained a lot of positive feedback and fans

tedx1 tedx3


swag shirt swag sticker

prepping for CactusCon kids

the event was kind enough to loan us all these laptops!

CCK prep

booth at CactusCon Kids

i always loved the idea of teaching kids to code by using something physical so that any code changes could be seen moving in front of them.


worked with a local school to setup an automated IoT garden

iot garden

fancier new model

new model

Tagged in: #iot #embedded

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