Today I'm starting a Second Brain



I’m still new to my personal goal of learning in public and the benefits that accompany it. Also I’ve been loving the content on swyx’s blog, it’s really inspired me to start doing things in public instead of researching in the shadows as I’ve done for years.

Second Brain

Today I decided to start following Tiago Forte’s idea of building a Second Brain or Digital Garden, whatever you want to call it.

It is a place for unformed ideas to grow, change, and possibly inspire or help others.

You can find my second brain here:

These are my public notes, ideas, not formed, subject to change, and out in the open for all to see and critique. There are only a couple test files in there so far but feel free to join along in my journey as I start adding more.

The notes are written markdown in obsidian and being synced to git and the site.

Feel free to make any PRs, comments, or suggestions. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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